Liaison Office of South Africa visits NTOU


      The Liaison Office of South Africa (LOSA) represented by Head of Mission, Representative Graham Anderson, visited National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) on March 22nd, 2023. The LOSA delegation met with Prof. Cheng-Yu Ku, Vice President of NTOU, Asst. Professor Pin-Wen Chiou, Director of the Division of International Cooperation.

      NTOU and The LOSA delegation discussed issues centered on NTOU’s distinguished research disciplines, such as the circular economy and sustainable development of resource utilization. In the meeting, NTOU showed warm welcomes to invite international students studying at NTOU, and expected to provide further research opportunities by expanding scholarship projects through collaboration with LOSA. LOSA was glad to support NTOU in involving partnerships with representative universities in South Africa such as Nelson Mandela University and University of KwaZulu-Natal.


      The Liaison Office of South Africa delegation included Head of Mission, Representative Graham Anderson, and Regina Chen, administrative clerk of LOSA. LOSA is the representative office of the South African government in Taiwan responsible for maintaining and expanding economic, trade & investment, scientific, education, health, and cultural exchanges between South Africa and Taiwan.

南非政府駐臺聯絡辦事處安德漢(Hugh Graham Anderson)代表(右三)帶領參訪團赴海大拜會行政與教學團隊